Monthly Archives: November 2012

An eye on the future…

By 2025, worldwide population is expected to increase by 20%, and the
population in the world’s cities will grow by more than 1 billion people—the
equivalent of adding a Beijing every other month. And as the human population
explodes, an information explosion is going on as well. The total amount of
information is projected to double every four years, with digital content doubling
every 18 months. These shifts will present the world’s governments, businesses,
and citizens with tremendous challenges—but also tremendous opportunities.
Data is fast becoming the world’s most valuable raw material, and information
the world’s most valuable commodity. At HP we are enabling the creation,
consumption, and delivery of information through always-on connectivity. And
we are dedicated to empowering people through solutions and experiences that
will allow all of us to thrive in this new connected world

Did you know?

HP ships more than 1 million printers per week.

HP ships 48 million PC units annually.

One out of every three servers shipped worldwide is from HP.

HP Software makes calls possible for more than 300 million mobile phone customers around the globe.

HP helps 50 million customers store and share over 4 billion photos online.

HP supports the top 200 banks and more than 130 of the world’s major stock exchanges.

Cum a inceput totul…

Istoria companiei HP

William (Bill) Hewlett si David (Dave) Packard – ambii au absolvit ingineria electrica la Universitatea Stanford in 1934. Compania a inceput intr-un garaj, in apropiere de regiunea Palo Alto, in timpul unei prietenii pe care au avut-o cu fostul lor profesor Frederick Terman. Terman a fost considerat un mentor pentru cei doi studenti, pe care i-a ajutat sa creeze compania Hewlett-Packard.

Parteneriatul a fost oficiat la 1 ianuarie 1939 cu o investitie de 538 dolari. Hewlett si Packard au aruncat o moneda petru a decide cum va fi numita compania Hewlett-Packard sau Packard-Hewlett. Packard a castigat la aruncarea monedei, dar totusi si-a numit întreprinderea de fabricatie electronica “Hewlett-Packard Company”.

HP a devenit corporatie la data de 8 august 1947, si companie pe actiuni la 6 noiembrie 1957.

Dintre numeroasele lor proiecte, primul lor succes financiar a fost un oscilator de precizie, modelul HP200A. Inovatia lor a fost de a folosi un bec cu incandescenta ca rezistor dependent de temperatura într-o parte critica a circuitului. Acest lucru le-a permis sa vanda oscilatorul la pretul de 54,40 $ SUA, în timp ce concurentii lor vindeau oscilatoare mai putin stabile cu 200 $. Modelul 200 a fost produs pana în 1972 ca modelul 200AB, inca pe baza de tuburi, dar a fost îmbunatatit semnificativ pe parcursul anilor. La 33 de ani de la fondare acesta a fost probabil cel mai mare interval de vanzare a unui dispozitiv electronic.

Unul dintre primii clienti ai companiei a fost Walt Disney, care a procurat opt oscilatoare de tip 200B la pretul de 71,50 USD pe bucata, pentru a le utiliza la certificarea sistemului de sunet surround “Fantasound”, instalat in cinematografe pentru filmul Fantasia

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